
Thanks to the involvement of various national, institutional and academic players, quantum accelerometry has reached a degree of maturity enabling it to be industrialized for use on the ground, aboard ships or aircraft. On board a satellite, in microgravity conditions, this technology has the potential to achieve levels of precision and accuracy surpassing those of current electromechanical technologies. Clearing this hurdle is a major challenge for French and European leadership. Various national players are involved in the future CARIOQA-PMP space mission. This mission, driven by the European Commission and supported by CNES and DLR, is a technological demonstrator which, over the next decade, will enable this technology to be validated in orbit and demonstrate its capabilities for future uses.

The stakes surrounding this technological breakthrough are the source of international competition between Americans, Chinese and Europeans. In this context, concerted or even coordinated action by the main national players who have or plan to carry out technological developments linked to the spatialization of cold atom interferometry technologies could only be beneficial.

The aim of this workshop is to bring these different teams together. Each team is invited to present the state of the art of its activities, as well as its roadmap. There will also be discussion sessions on cross-cutting technological and scientific issues.

General informations

The workshop will take place at CNES headquarters, 2 place Maurice Quentin, Paris, in the Salle de l'Espace.

Registration is free of charge, but is necessary for the proper organization of the event.

IMPORTANT: an identity card or passport is required to come to CNES headquarters.

Here are the informations for attending the meeting remotely

ID de réunion: 916 7250 7816
Code secret: 364057


The morning sessions will be dedicated to an overview of the technical and scientific activities realized by french academic and industrial actors involved in the development of the instruments. The afternoon will be dedicated to presentations on the scientific needs the technology could meet and on prospective use-cases, in geodesy or fundamental physics. An open discussion will close the workshop.




Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte (GRGS)

Franck Pereira dos Santos (SYRTE-Observatoire de Paris)

Félix Perosanz (CNES)

Nassim Zahzam (ONERA)

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